Was sceptical but I love it, sturdy as ****, fits my Nexus perfectly very well made, happy to pay more for quality. Regards from Iceland :)
Al meer dan 10.000 stuks verkocht!

Standaard Parker voor alt
Our handmade wallmounts provide musicians with quick and hassle-free access to their saxophones, allowing them to grab their instruments effortlessly whenever inspiration strikes, while also ensuring secure storage when not in use, reducing setup time and enhancing workflow and practice efficiency.

It's really sturdy!
Als muziekleraar die vanuit huis werkt, kan ik je vertellen dat dit de meest praktische standaard is die ik ooit heb gehad. Gemonteerd op schouderhoogte aan de wand is ie superhandig om je sax in te parkeren of te pakken. Geen zorgen meer over beschadigingen en het ziet er ook nog eens super cool uit!

Save valuable space
Maximize your space and minimize clutter. Our wall mounts offer a convenient way to store your instrument securely on the wall, freeing up valuable floor space in your home studio or practice room. Say goodbye to bulky instrument stands and hello to a cleaner, more organized space. Experience the freedom to move and create without limitations.

Saxofoon standaard Parker

As a sax guy ànd welder I know just what you want to find in your shipment from Locoparasaxo: sheer quality!
And I personally see to it that you are not disapointed! They are as good as they get!
Cheers, and thanks for ordering, Paddy Melis