Was sceptical but I love it, sturdy as ****, fits my Nexus perfectly very well made, happy to pay more for quality. Regards from Iceland :)
About us
Paddy Melis is the metal artisan, saxophonist, and fabricator behind these wall-mounted instrument stands. His company is based in the oldest city of the Netherlands; Nijmegen. Together with a small team he creates instrument stands of excellent quality since 2009.
"Experience has taught me that wall-mounted instrument stands for use in domestic, business or educational settings offer significant advantages over floor-based stands. And apart from all the practical reasons it is simply magnificent to see your precious saxophone sitting snug, secure and beautifully on display."
From the start of his business in 2009 he made it his mission to introduce their advantages to musicians of every genre: " I'm happy and proud to say that our stands have found their way to thousands of homes, all over the world!"
Locoparasaxo is a division of BXO artistic ironworks, serving a different niche-market based in the Netherlands. For an impression of our products, please visit www.bxo.nu.
"Artistic design and production is at the core of our activities and we take pride in the quality and durability of our products. BXO is known for functional wrought iron objects for home, garden and business. Locoparasaxo.com was succesfully launched in March 2009 to make our newly designed saxophone wall-mounts available to the world. Over time stands for other wind instruments were added to the collection.
We have consistantly increased sales in this niche market, both through our website and through select dealers in western Europe.
Our stands allow you to store your instrument just about anywhere in your home, studio or shop without exposing it to the hazards that usually threaten an instrument placed in a floor-based stand. Think of kids, pets, vacuum cleaners and other human beings in general! Locoparasaxo manufactures wall-mounted instrument stands of excellent quality and reliability, and we have made it our mission to introduce them to musicians and music aficionados all over the world.
"The idea for wall-mounted sax stands was actually conceived out of nescessity at a moment I was playing saxophone in a very crowded studio where just about every square foot was taken with people, instruments, cables and all kinds of gear. On breaks I kept my tenor in my lap because there was just no safe place to put it down. Looking around, It occurred to me there was plenty of room on the walls. All I needed was a wall-mounted sax stand!
Since I’m a metal artisan by trade it didn’t take me long to put together a few prototypes which were extremely well received by my sax-wielding friends. In fact so well that it convinced me to make them into finished products to offer to saxophone players around the world. So I designed a line of wall mounted saxophone stands that are stylish, reliable, easy to mount and will last a life time. All components are carefully selected, and the steel frames are powdercoated and oven-baked for durability and a beautiful finish."
Kind regards, Paddy Melis CEO